WARNING: May contain naughty language.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Damnation & Dames - My First Published Work

I've been writing "seriously" (like with intent to sell, rather than amuse my children or myself) for about 2 years. There is a method to my madness in terms of how I target markets, triage story ideas and try to crank out at least 1 original short per month. But more about that later.

For the past two months I've been making rewrites to a short story accepted by Ticonderoga Press. If you're curious about the content, just look at the cover.

Pretty awesome, huh?

The book will be available at Easter of this year and will be launched during a con in Western Australia. I'm grateful to Liz and Amanda for enjoying my story and adding it, along with some really well known authors, to the anthology. If you're a writer and don't subscribe to Alan Baxter's RSS feeds, you're missing some great information. The final galley proof was approved the other night, so it looks pretty official. Check out some of the other amazing works which Ticonderoga has put together. Really amazing.

Now on to the next pitch...